

There is nothing left to say, nothing left to do. Everything feels like pain, heartache, hopeless.   A makeshift noose, a branch, tugging, heart feeling like stone.

Life was never kind to Winnie and she felt a certain relief that it was about to end.  The constant struggle, family problems, hunger, was just too much. To top it all off, while others found someone, love seemed to be forever out reach.  Standing on a couple of makeshift stones she slipped the rope over her short hair…

The sound of music

Then, from her pit of anguish she heard… the sound of music.  Wafting faintly on the air, people singing.  Though she could not make out the words, it sounded like hope.  They sounded happy!  Slipping out, Winnie made her way to what turned out to be a crusade for Christ and gave her heart to Jesus.

God reaches out to people where they are at.  Perhaps the person who decided to set up the meeting at that particular place didn’t know why.  Maybe the people who sang songs to God had problems of their own.  Yet, God was in them singing to a woman ready to end it all, just close enough for her to hear.

God sings,

“… how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Romans 10:13-15

From that day, Winnies’s life changed.  She found a sense of family at church, fell in love, married, and had a child.  Everything good in her life literally started the day she heard the sound of music.

If you have nothing to lose, take a chance on Jesus

Lastly, if you’re thinking about killing yourself, it’s plain you believe there’s nothing to lose.  If all is already lost, why not ask Jesus to come into your heart and fill your emptiness?  He is real, He is ready, and Christ will love you even if every other person in this world fails you.  Give Jesus a chance and I know you will hear, just like Winnie, the sound of music too.

I Surrender by Hillsong Worship