The Tabernacles Movement: Europe

The Stones Will Cry Out
The Tabernacles movement, which is the fulfillment of the final feast, will be world-wide. Like the restoration of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the baptism of Divine Love will start with little Holy Spirit lighting strikes and then spread like wildfire throughout the continents of the world. Those born of the spirit will be like fire brands igniting the souls and spirits of those whom they meet. Souls of believers that are hungering and thirsting after a direct experience of God. This conflagration (fanned by the breath of God) culminates in the actual birthing of the Man-child described in the book of Revelation.
God says,
“And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
Revelation 12:1
One scripture, many fulfillments
While this scripture has a first and primary fulfillment in Jesus Christ, it has also a secondary and further fulfillment in the Body of Christ. Often times scriptures speak to more than a single event because they are fulfilled over the course of many, many years. The prophecy against Tyre is an example of this type of multiple fulfillment. The actual fulfillment of the word given by Ezekiel took over 800 years to fully come to pass. The fall of Tyre took successive invasions to finally bring it down, but in the end the city was thrown into the sea. That great city became a place for the spreading of nets precisely as Ezekiel foretold. When looking at prophecy we must always keep in mind that God is eternal and He sees history in its totality whereas we, being mortal, see only small slices of it.
The role of Europe in the last great revival

Europe, historically, has been the cradle of much of the restoration of Christianity as we know it today. From the outbreak of the reformation many great movements have been born on the continent. European Christianity is dissipated, yet roots of fervor and sacrifice still remain. Like an old cannon retrieved from the sea, burdened with centuries of coral and decay, the core remains,
One good thing about Christians in Europe is that once convinced of a biblical truth they hold fast to it and carry on for generations. There is little taste for “easy believe-ism” or the “doctrine of the week” that is common among Americans. What they believe is very dear to them and once they know the truth they cherish it. It is this strength that we, in the Tabernacle movement, shall seek to tap into.
There is a godly generation in Europe
In order to spread the message of Divine Love we will need to again turn to the younger generation that is still open and searching for meaning. France would be a particularly good place to begin due to the shift towards atheism in the country as a whole. Anywhere that people say there is no God is a place where some are crying out for God. The only way the atheists have gained sway is because the old vitality of the churches have waned as they have refused to follow the Holy Spirit. This conspicuous absence has allow those who hate God to take root because God is obviously not present in many of the religious institutions. Therefore, a vacuum exists that is becoming more powerful as the absence of God increases and it is into this void that the ministers of the tabernacle movement shall flow.
God’s strategic, indirect approach

It is not possible to challenge deeply entrenched church groups and their dogmas head on. Doing so would be akin to trying to stop an aircraft carrier at full steam: the momentum is simply too great. However, even at full steam, you can change the course of an aircraft carrier by finding the steering wheel and the engine controls. Essentially, this is what the Holy Spirit will help us to find in the countries where God sends us.
People often think that religious power resides in institutions but the fact of the matter is that all institutions derive their power from the will of the people who support them. Without support even the most established of religious power will wither and fade. Therefore, our strategy is to bring this message to the up and coming generation. Our aim is to help this generation taste the freedom of the Spirit. By doing this we ignite the next generation and they are the army of the Most High.
Bruce Lee said,
““Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.”
“If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
In Europe, don’t give them a solid target
Bruce lee, as far as I know, was not a Christian. Yet Bruce realized a central truth: it is impossible to fight something that has no set form. When there is nothing solid or specific to attack, no set pattern to anticipate, it is impossible to defeat. This is what happens when young people listen to and obey the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is unseen, His council unknown, except to those who hear His voice. Through His voice, God’s people are an army everywhere present, yet nowhere specific. The Holy Spirit moves us like the autumn leaves by the breath of God. People may see and feel the effects of God’s Spirit, however, what moves us cannot be known through man’s intellect.
No specific location, leadership, or set of doctrines

As Europe progresses in this movement, we must resist the urge to build an easily identifiable organization with specific hierarchy and public personages. The Harlot church devours organized revivals with ease. Therefore, just as the kingdom of God is within the hearts of men, the final feast has no specific location, no specific leadership, not even a specific set of doctrines. We are bound and led by the Holy Spirit. The present testament in our hearts is our only common motivating factor and thus our strength. Against such a Spirit led people even the Harlot Church is powerless. No one on Earth can stop our message from being heard, no matter how they seek to quench it.
Every journey begins with a single step

God will do the heavy lifting, but the main thing to do now is to begin. He causes a movement grow, but we must write the vision and plant the seeds. God calls the disenfranchised and disaffected of Europe to come and find rest and sustenance in the final feast. Our Father beckons to those who are discouraged by the lack of life within the traditional church. Jesus invites you to come and sup at the table of the feast of Tabernacles. What’s set forth in these writings describes a way forward to a new and exciting place in God. A restored Eden where we walk in the cool of the day with the Father of light.
With God anyone can do anything
In conclusion, do not despise the day of small beginnings for everything must start from somewhere. Do not despise your youth because out of such tender shoots grow the mightiest of trees. Lack of experience is sometimes a plus. If you are an empty vessel, God can fill you with His word afresh. What matters is that we answer His call. What matters is that we say “Lord, hear am I, send me”. We do not have to move mountains for God is the only that can do that. We simply have to have mustard seed faith which will move God who will move those mountains for us.