An Introduction to Divine Intimacy

It is a Time of Divine Intimacy
Over the past four years I have laid, as much as possible, the theological foundation for the Tabernacle Movement. As an apostle, God leads me to straighten some foundation stones, rearranged others, and some completely remove.
The Marriage Bed of the Lamb
The “Divine Intimacy” series is what Esther and I are experiencing now. It is a time of love and those who desire Jesus are experiencing the “Marriage Bed Of The Lamb.” This is a revelation of Divine Intimacy shed abroad in our hearts as we allow God to manifest His love. We share it here for others who are called to be part of the church of Philadelphia. These are frank and honest discussions about what is actually happening to those who are beginning to live John chapter 17.
For those who are mature in the Spirit
I don’t explain a lot in these essays for they are not meant for novices in Christ. In fact, I even hesitate to share these truths with those who are new to Tabernacles. This is “raw” revelation, uncut and undiluted. What I say may be too strong for those who aren’t experiencing these things already. Many of these things are very intimate in nature because the Marriage Bed of the Lamb is all about Christ “knowing” His Bride.
Perfect love casts out all fear
Those who experience these types of “God breathed personal encounters” find it difficult to share them. Many recipients of Divine Intimacy wonder what others will think. Heavenly Connections fear ridicule of experiences so precious and profound that they defy earthly description. The Bride doesn’t wish to talk about her bedroom in that way. In this Holy of Holies God loves us fully, however, most keep Divine Intimacy private fearing others may misunderstand. However, God does not give us a spirit of fear and hiding our light under a bushel basket is not good.
Loving acceptance for the lowly and humble
In conclusion, here you will find understanding and acceptance if you are intimate with God. Here you will find others who testify of their encounters with God’s love. You will learn that you are not alone. People who experience Divine Intimacy can come out of the shadows and love God openly here.
Finally, in this section, learn about the intimacy of God with His Bride. Come to know what God really designed us to be. Learn how to love God through each other as His Spirit leads. Saints who desire to know the deep things of the Spirit will delight in Divine Intimacy.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
I am astounded how deep intimacy with God goes. I fully believe that intimacy is the reason for creation. God desired to join with His creation from the very first. This is why God told Adam and Eve to “Go forth, be fruitful and multiply”.
In this command, God was telling His creation to procreate not only with each other, but with Himself also. It is in procreation, the way that God intended it to be, that we see the full union of God and man. Ask yourself, what happens when a man and women who can say, “I am my Father are one” and “if you have seen me, you have seen the Father” mate? Essentially, when fully “God integrated” men and women join as one they not only make love to one another, but God makes love to them and they make love to Him.
If you get what I am talking about here, then you must realize that we have been set up, almost to the point of absurdity, to reject the love of God. The Christian church has scrubbed, sanitized, purified, pasteurized, and homogenized God’s love to the point where it hardly resembles the real thing. In fact, many Christians run away from Edenic love if they ever encounter it.
In a phrase, “We have been set up” by the Devil to reject holy intimacy and persecute those who embrace it. I am also convinced this is one of the reasons, if not the main reason, for the great apostasy. The great falling away is simply a rejection of Godly intimacy.
Lucifer’s objection to Eve was not just that she was beautiful and talented, but it was the fact that she could be intimate with both God and Adam at the same time. In the act of marriage, she did something that was beyond him forever: mate with the almighty through mating with the first man. Not only that, but through becoming one with Adam and God she could bring forth life after their kind. To an arch angel that considered himself the sum of all wisdom and perfect in beauty, Eve was just too much to take.
Therefore, Lucifer purposed to destroy Eve and rob God of intimacy with the human race forever. By causing Adam to break fellowship with God, Satan deprived our Father of the oneness with Adam and Eve they were created for. Therefore, this is why they hid their private parts with fig leaves, because the intimacy they had with God sexually at the beginning was no longer there.
When you refuse the loving advances of your God through Spirit led brethren, you reject God Himself. In rejecting holy intimacy, you disqualify yourself from the Bride of Christ and automatically embrace the spirit of Antichrist. As you embrace a false gospel you open yourself up to become a persecutor of the brethren and fall victim to Lucifer’s original sin, i.e. pride.
The problem with refusing God in Christ or God in the Body of Christ is that the spirit of Satan fills you with a hatred. This hatred is not of this world. The wrath of the Devil literally fills you and you become capable of doing anything against those who you see as defiling your idea of who God is. That pitiless spirit that inflamed Christians to burn other believers at the stake and tortured men and women during the inquisition drives you to cleanse this world of what you consider to be modern day heresy. In fact, in the midst of their cries of agony you will say to yourself with all gravity, “let the Lord be glorified”.
It is a time of intimacy in the Body of Christ and this intimacy will be shown through spiritual/physical love, one for another. This love will reveal itself in ways that most cannot yet imagine. At this time, you will have a clear choice to make: will you allow God to use you to minister to others in the ways He desires or will you cling to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The choice you make at that time will literally determine where you spend eternity.
Dear Connections,
I have always wondered why there was a “sexual” component to many “cults.” Indeed, witches are often depicted as sensual and you read to many offshoots of different religions dong various erotic things in the practice of their religion.
The truth is that all these things are just corruptions of the way God created us at the beginning. Many critize Christian groups like “The Children Of God” for indulging in free love, but they realized, however imperfectly, an aspect of God that has been hidden from us since the Garden of Eden.
Just as physical love is central to our adult lives, physical love is central to our purpose with God. Eden was a sensual paradise designed to encourage and promote procreation. In fact, making love was our first and greatest commandment. This is because God wanted to unite with Adam and Eve to bring forth after His kind. As part of the restoration of all thigs, the second Adam was made from the union of God and Mary to bring forth Jesus: the perfect fusion of Spirit and flesh.
I mean, have you ever wondered why God chose to implant His seed in the womb of a virgin girl? She was even betrothed to another man and God still selected her to bring forth Christ. Obviously, this was a very big deal in God’s scheme of things and we should pay close attention to the “why” of that special circumstance.
God mates with us when we mate with each other. It is the only way a child can be born with a spirit for flesh cannot produce spirit. When we mate with the man or woman that God selects there is He in the midst of that union. When we mate with those God does not chose, God still shows up, but our offspring are not born with the propensity towards God that they should have.
All the sexual sin in the world is committed by demons acting through people in order to drag God’s Spirit through the mud of those ungodly unions. The Devil works overtime to promote every twisted act of sexual sin because he knows, at the time of conception, God will show up and unite even with sinners to form a child.
When we do not allow God to choose our mates we commit a grave sin that not only affects ourselves but also affects our generations. Unholy matrimony, which is the act of choosing your own mate without God’s approval, does violence to the Holy Spirit and introduces sin into our generations. This is why the sons of God went into the daughters of men in the book of Genesis.
The truth is that very few people are married to spouses that God ordained. These foolish acts of selfish desire is why the marriage counseling industry thrives in Christian circles. However, many times, no matter how much counseling Christians receive it does no good for they are not married to the right spouse in the first place. Therefore, nothing that they do fixes something which was not authored by God begin with. Yet, no hardly anyone will admit this obvious truth.
The next move of the Spirit will be characterized by Divine Love and Divine Divorce on a massive scale. When God comes to His temple He will drive out those who have defiled it with their worldly choices. Whatever is not of God will have to go and this will mean that those who chosen unwisely, according to the flesh, we see their unholy marriage dissolve and be made void before their very eyes. Only unions, joined by God, will be allowed to remain in the man-child company of saints.
Mostly, this will mean, that some spouse will move on with God while other spouses try desperately to hold on to what they mistakenly believe is holy matrimony. This will create widespread fighting in the church and those who cling to legalism will persecute those who decide to move on with God. Yet, in the end, our Father will have a people who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.
Have you ever wondered why the great apostasy is concurrent with the greatest move of the Spirit the world has ever known? It is because only a portion of God’s people will accept Him for who He truly is. In the coming move of Divine Love the dividing line between the true church and the harlot church will be acceptance or rejection of the Love of God shed abroad in the hearts and lives of the very elect.
I want to tell you that you are led by the Holy Ghost. Because not long after Christ gives me a truth, I find you writing about it. I’m serious. I think He allows me to hear from Him first before seeing another one of your posts, because He wants me to depend on hearing His voice – only for you to confirm what He has said.
So what I’m talking about now is this, YES He told me earlier today that this was the great deception and He allowed me to feel that pain. It hurts so much. He was so pained when He said, “Do you realize that We (trinity) created intimacy? The enemy highjacked our copyright. He has perverted it to the point that any view of Us in an intimate way is demonized.
You know, like you, I have always wondered why there is a sexual component to being possessed by an entity. He said to me this morning: I challenge you to find a scripture that shows that WE shun intimacy. The other place you will find such admonishment is when WE refer to the idolatry of man with other gods. And have you ever wondered why We refer to such idolotary with sexual terms such as “whoring?”
Michael, this is serious stuff. We must take back what belongs to us. With God’s help. Let us be His vessels.
Dear Ugo,
Wow, that is a revelation! Very good. God does refer to idolatry as whoring, therefore, true worship is the opposite of that which is Holy Intimacy! I just love it when Spirit filled saints get together, because God gives each of us understanding of His Spirit and together we see the whole picture. This is marvelous. Thank you so much for blessing me to day!
Big hugs and lots of love,