Divine Intimacy

It is a Time of Divine Intimacy

Over the past four years I have laid, as much as  possible, the theological foundation for the Tabernacle Movement. As an apostle, God leads me to straighten some foundation stones, rearranged others, and some completely remove.

The Marriage Bed of the Lamb

The “Divine Intimacy” series is what Esther and I are experiencing now. It is a time of love and those who desire Jesus are experiencing the “Marriage Bed Of The Lamb.” This is a revelation of Divine Intimacy shed abroad in our hearts as we allow God to manifest His love. We share it here for others who are called to be part of the church of Philadelphia. These are frank and honest discussions about what is actually happening to those who are beginning to live John chapter 17.

For those who are mature in the Spirit

I don’t explain a lot in these essays for they are not meant for novices in Christ.  In fact, I even hesitate to share these truths with those who are new to Tabernacles. This is “raw” revelation, uncut and undiluted. What I say may be too strong for those who aren’t experiencing these things already. Many of these things are very intimate in nature because the Marriage Bed of the Lamb is all about Christ “knowing” His Bride.

Perfect love casts out all fear

Those who experience these types of “God breathed personal encounters” find it difficult to share them. Many recipients of Divine Intimacy wonder what others will think. Heavenly Connections fear ridicule of experiences so precious and profound that they defy earthly description.  The Bride doesn’t wish to talk about her bedroom in that way. In this Holy of Holies God loves us fully, however,  most keep Divine Intimacy private fearing others may misunderstand. However, God does not give us a spirit of fear and hiding our light under a bushel basket is not good.

Loving acceptance for the lowly and humble

In conclusion, here you will find understanding and acceptance if you are intimate with God.  Here you will find others who testify of their encounters with God’s love.  You will learn that you are not alone.  People who experience Divine Intimacy can come out of the shadows and love God openly here.

Finally, in this section, learn about the intimacy of God with His Bride.  Come to know what God really designed us to be.  Learn how to love God through each other as His Spirit leads.   Saints who desire to know the deep things of the Spirit will delight in Divine Intimacy.

God bless,


John Michael Talbot’s “Canticle Of The Bride.”