God Wants to Give You A Divine Mate
Spiritual mates, as led by God’s Spirit, have always been the will of our Father. From Eden to
In the beginning though, when everything was perfect, it was not so. God never created marriage as we know it today, nor does He re-create it in the world to come. Therefore, while the idea of marriage is rooted in something our Lord designed, as practiced it is not what He intended.
Eternity only recognizes Divine Mates
For those who are Spirit led, there is no marriage, only Divine Mates. God unites a man and woman together for the purpose of inhabiting them and bringing forth His children. Everything else, that natural minded people say is so important to a marriage, is largely irrelevant. Without the core requirement of being joined together through a specific leading of the Holy Spirit, everything else doesn’t really matter.
Therefore, it is the heart of the union that is important to God and not its conformity to any one church’s idea of marriage. The customs and configuration of an earthly marriage is largely beside the point as long as God joins you in the first place. Conversely, if God does not join you together, all you have is an earthly contract that is void in the world to come.
Do not idolize the idea of a marriage covenant
Many theologians make the idea of “covenant” into an idol before God. To hear them speak, when you make a vow before our Lord, even if it is a foolish one, it is written in stone. Breaking such a vow, in their view, is an mortal sin. Many of the rituals performed during a wedding are meant to reinforce this idea.
However, you are not Abraham and you are not cutting the covenant for the future of Israel. Moreover, Abraham, the father of our faith, was Spirit led. I do believe it is a very serious thing to go against the leading of God’s Spirit; however, it is a far less serious matter to break an earthly contract that YHWH never authored in the first place.
Earthly marriages carry no weight in the world to come
Moreover, whether you have a marriage contract isn’t mandatory in the eyes of God. As long as God joins you together as a Divine Mate, whether you have a piece of paper or not, God blesses your union. Many people who live together are approved by God, whereas many who have a marriage certificate are not. Who then does the will of the Father?
Likewise, the number of Divine Mates you have is not important either. What is important is that you treat each one as Christ loves the church. Where Solomon got into trouble is he married as a result of political alliances with the idolatrous nations around Him. As part of the treaties, foreign kings often offered a daughter to seal the deal. Unfortunately, the son of David didn’t make conversion to Judaism part of the agreement and allowed these foreign wives to keep their heathen ways. Thus, when Solomon grew old, his foreign wives turned his heart from God. It was not the number of wives Solomon had, but tolerating and aiding their idolatry that was sin.
Being a Divine Mate is important, the number isn’t
Usually, Divine Mates pair together as man and wife. However, and this is perfectly acceptable with God, a man can have more than one Divine Mate at a time. If their culture accepts plural marriage, as long as your wives are Spirit led, YHWH is pleased. However, if you accumulate women without the leading of God’s spirit, you may sin just as Solomon did.
The various configurations of marriage in different cultures are not that important either. Moreover, there are practical benefits to being married. In many places, people must marry to fit in with society. There are also tax considerations, inheritance issues, and other pragmatic benefits to “tying the knot”. God is not against earthly marriage so as long as it does not prevent you from being with your heavenly mate.
When you marry, let it be God’s choice
In conclusion, being a Divine Mate is the point of what God is doing because the Bride of Christ is God’s Divine Mate. If you marry a Divine Mate, then whatever else you do doesn’t make that much difference. However, defying God and marrying someone who is not His choice concerns YHWH greatly.
Dear Beloved of the Lord,
Marriage is a limited, manmade subset of Divine Mates. God created Divine Mates for His purpose and our blessing, however, natural minded men and women limited and institutionalized Divine Mates into a the very narrowly defined cultural practice called marriage. It is somewhat akin to the Bible being a subset of God’s Rhema or Logos (just without the natural minded part). Essentially, the scriptures are the knowledge of good and evil from God’s perspective. While the scriptures are God breathed, the concept of marriage is not.
Marriage is not bad, but a civil contract is not mandatory like so many people believe. Matrimony is an overlay on top of what God originally made. Whereas you can do without marriage, you can’t be in God’s perfect will without being married to a Divine Mate.
In the absence of a Divine Mate, and if God allows you to do so, your present mate is fine. God wants you to honor your earthly contract if it does not countermand His heavenly will. Moreover, if both of you are willing to be led of God’s Spirit, our Father may sanctify your marriage and accept your choice. However, if God decides that your choice of spouse is inappropriate and detrimental to His plan and your life, He may call you to Divine Divorce.
Sleeping with Delilah was a pretty bad choice as Samson found out. Though God used his rash actions as an occasion to punish the Philistines, Samson could have done much better. In the end though, Samson regained His submission to YHWH and won a mighty victory for our Lord, securing His place in the scriptures as mighty man of valor.
Likewise, correcting grave mistakes can be very costly both emotionally and financially. However, God did not make the mistake, you did. Therefore, correcting your rash vow, if God calls you to do that, is necessary though it may not be easy. Unfortunately, there are consequences to disobedience even if you did it in ignorance.
Lastly, getting back on the path God laid out for you from before the foundation of the world is well worth the effort and cost. God can restore all the years that the locust have stolen if you regain His favor by doing His will. Nothing is impossible for our Lord and in the end we will be victorious with Him no matter what.
Do you believe it is only men who can have more than one divine partner? There is so much lacking in your communication in this post. We are called to love everyone in Spirit and in truth. A wife or partner should be considered before partnering with others. Personally, I do believe God can call/allow a woman to have more than one Divine Partner (husband) I have seen it happen with my own eyes. I have a sister who God has done this very thing and it was a very gentle guiding and manifestation in their lives. He will also guide those who have connected outside of His will and re-align them with honesty, integrity and taking the hearts of all into consideration.
There is a high and holy union, having multiple divine partners could be needed to clear karmic debt.. that is also a reality many in the church have been kept in the darkness about because of the doctrines of many that lack wisdom, because many christians believe that Judeo-Christians are the only peoples God have given wisdom and light to. This is an error, the tribes of Israel were scattered throughout all the earth, that is why their is a common thread of the golden rule in many, if not all religions. Modern day christianity demonizes many people and belief systems.. they could use some humble silence and listen to what the Spirit is saying to all the “churches” (all peoples, tongues, tribes, nations of the earth).
Dear Jenean,
First of all, thank you for commenting. So many people read what I write and never express themselves, so when someone does, it is appreciated!
In answer to your question, I would say “no.” I don’t believe that a woman can have more than one divine mate at a time. There are few reasons for this, but chiefly it violates the picture of one, sovereign God. God says there is no other beside Him, thus a woman who has two lovers concurrently, basically states that she has two heads.
I would not, on the face of it, dispute your assertion that you have seen one woman with two partners. I have heard of such things in the world too. However, from my understanding of God’s nature and the scriptures, I don’t see that happening as a response to being Spirit lead. However, and I think this I can honestly say this, I would have to see how I felt about it in the Spirit if and when I actually met people in such a arrangement before saying it absolutely cannot happen.
I agree that we all could use some humbleness, myself included. However, holding a position stongly on a certain subject does not preclude us from fellowship in His Spirit. We are all just trying to find our way and if we hear His voice and do his will we will find agreement. Love is the tie that binds us together. If we allow God to love us through one another, we will all come to a very good place in Him.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Dear Michael,
I used to believe the same as you in regards to what you are expressing. I can say God has been stretching me quite a bit since 2014. I am still navigating many unknown waters with Him. Blessings as we pass each other in our boats with Him. Love indeed is the tie that binds. I am thankful for all I am learning and have been waking up to. Thank you for your feedback and your sharing.
Today, I am coming to see that God works in all the uniqueness of our sexuality. He cares very deeply that we are first honest in our intimacy with Him and with others. That we care and nurture the hearts of those in our lives, that we do not treat our relationships or sex flippantly. We certainly need to have true intimacy with those we are doing life with. I believe God cares very deeply about who we spend most of our time with and are demonstrating love on all levels. A man or woman who has multiple partners, has alot of responsibility. If a man has sister wives who are in strife and not happy about the set-up, he should be prepared to set her free and not use scripture or “divine” authority to keep her bound to him. Just as we should not hoard material possessions, we should not hoard people. In doing so, you are depriving others of love and having basic needs met. This goes deeper than we realize. I really think we are just touching on the surface with this….
Dear Jenean,
I believe that marriage is a false construct. What God originally intended was to join a man and woman together as Divine Mates through His Spirit. It is the spiritual bond that is sacred and not the earthly contract. Thus, either monogamy or polygamy, as the world practices it, is simply man trying to organize things by what seems right to them. However, one cannot legislate the heart, thus people always find that they chafe at the confines and constraints of either system of marriage.
What you have just wrote is spot on. Women should not be bound by doctrine to a man. The only way God wants a woman to be bound is to Him and to the man of His choice. Thus, when the Spirit desires for you to give yourself to a man, then that is a binding tie, but only because of God and not because of some man-made law. I believe what God has joined together, let no man put asunder. If not, then you are free to go.
Big hugs and lots of love,
I appreciated your perspective here, Jenean!
The way I see it is that we are each on our own spiritual journey in Christ, and if we allow it, this often finds us connecting to people on many different levels. Those He draws us to connect with intimately – those the world would see as “spouses” – are on the same journey, but I don’t believe there is an earthly “contract” that keeps us bound to anyone. As Michael and I have discussed such things, I have come to call this “Divine, Abundant Love” – since I really don’t like the worldly terms for relationships anymore 🙂
HOWEVER, I do believe as long as each of us stays on the path God is leading us onto, we will be continually drawn together with these mates and be committed in our hearts – and more importantly- our spirits – for eternity. And this commitment and bond is much, much stronger than anything the world can “enforce” on us. But we always have a choice. There is no threat of losing anyone we are connected to as a mate, as long as we are both staying close to Christ and loving each other the way He defines. Of course, we don’t do this perfectly, but if our hearts are still there and we are not rejecting our call – to God or to that person – we will always be together with them. (in Spirit, even if not physically, but that’s another topic).
If, as you say, someone is unhappy in their situation, much soul searching and Spirit-seeking is required, but I think God always allows for each person to have their own choice in each relationship. In God’s economy, no one is bound to anyone against his or her will. That’s what I think, anyway 🙂
Thanks again for your insights!
Love to you –
I think it’s clear from scripture that God intended for there to be one man for one woman. While he ‘allowed’ some men to have multiple wives, he was not the ‘author’ of this. This is just yet another way in which man has diverted from God’s original intent. This is akin to how God ‘allows’ earthly marriages and marriage contracts, though he is not the “author” of them. God authored Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca. God could have authored Jacob and Rachel and Leah, but HE DID NOT. He authored Jacob and Rachel. It was man (Laban) who added Leah in the mix. Also, please check your heart posture towards women. People who adopt this view that man can have multiple partners (and not the other way around) often have hidden misogyny in their hearts towards women. Do you not see us as human and as equal heirs of grace, so as to deserve to each have our own husbands. To have to share a husband with another, it paints women as “less than” and not worthy or not being “enough” to have her own husband. Women feel pain too. Did you not read of Leah’s pain of not being loved by Jacob and having to share him with another. Women love men and deserve to be loved solely and not have to share their husband, just like men are not expected to share their wives with other men. It’s like you don’t see us as worthy humans, worthy of respect and worthy of having one husband all to ourselves.
Dear Verity,
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I appreciate you expressing your views and opinions. I believe that honest discussion of these types of topics is a very healthy and productive thing to do within the Body of Christ. Plus, many people read these discussions and it adds a lot to the essays.
I think what happens is that God does perfect things through imperfect people and thus, as you said, even though Laban was involved for reasons less than godly, our Lord brought good out of it anyway. To be honest, though Rachel did hide his idols.
Moreover, if, as you say, God did not author Rachael and Leah, why did he then allow 50% of His holy nation of Israel to be born of a woman who was not in His will? Additionally, what about the two other ladies who each birthed some of the sons of Jacob? I mean, to be honest, there is theory and then there is the reality of what happened. We can overlay our opinions and observations on many things in many different ways, but what took place and what God brought of out it is fact.
I can agree that the original pattern that God decided to create was one woman brought to one man. The truth is, though, that Adam and Eve fell right away and we do not know what God would have done if sin had not entered the world. Things were a bit different back then and the whole of the human race has come from siblings being with very close decedents.
I think we can also agree that the cultural norms of this day are not necessarily the yardstick that biblical matters must be measured by. It is also a fact that both Abraham and Jacob, who both had multiple wives, are currently with God where He is – thus proving the ressurection. Thus, by any honest standard, our Father does not discriminate based on the number of wives a man has.
I personally do not advocate for people taking multiple partners in our present age. Though biblically speaking, it is allowable, I think that it is practically unworkable in our present western society. However, if God leads people to do that in areas of the world in which it is still acceptable, such as in Muslim countries, I think that is fine with God and should be with us also. Having been in these places, my observation is that having multiple wives is more of a social net and simply good manners rather than misogyny.
Personally, I do not see woman as lessor beings at all. In fact, I think that Eve was the epitome of God creation, not Adam. She was the mother of all living and only after creating her did he call them very good.
We are bought with the price of Christ’s blood and we are not our own. Therefore, our Father can ask us to do anything. For some, like Paul, this may include celibacy rather than procreation. For others, like Jacob or Solomon, this may include more than one wife. For many, unfortunately, it might include martyrdom. My point is that our goal is obedience, not personal choice or even equality as the world defines it.
You say, “Women love men and deserve to be loved solely and not have to share their husband, just like men are not expected to share their wives with other men.” While this may be a preference in our society and in this age, I don’t think you can paint all women in every age with this brush. Sara asked Abraham to bed Hagar so that he could have an heir. God gave wives to David and if that would have been to little, He would have given more.
In conclusion, I believe that having more than one wife in this age is not feasible for most people and especially in western society. However, if God calls you to do that, then it is His prerogative and it is no less a commandment than being called to be a missionary in Borneo. In both cases, if the calling is of God they He will bless what He authors.
Big hugs and lots of love,