one body

Paul says,

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.”

1 Corinthians 12:12,13

Baptized into One Spirit

When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we yield the most unruly part of our flesh to God. We speak as His Spirit gives the utterance. It is the first fruits of our union with His Spirit. Our tongue is the first part of our body we give to our Lord. Speaking with other tongues is effortless because we allow God to take control. In essence, one part of our flesh is totally given over to His Spirit. When ever we feel to speak in tongues, God is there manifesting in and through our body.

Likewise, when the Body of Christ comes into unity with God as a group, there is the phenomena of yielding to Him as “one flesh”. Feeling that we are one body is not a product of lust, which is often the case in the world, it is a byproduct of being led by His Spirit.

Makes us of One heart

We see this at work in the first church when Luke says,

“And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.”

Acts 4:32

Therefore we experience “one body”

The truth is, as we become one with God, we become one with each other. There is a familiarity borne of the Spirit that permeates Christ’s body until, though we are still individuals, we act with one accord.

Such unity is God-given, not manmade. When our spirits unite with God, we naturally unite with each other. Just as members of a natural body obey the head, so too the members of Christ’s body obey Jesus.

The unity of the spirit goes much deeper than we know

The problem is, though, people have little idea how far that unity goes. Discerning the Lords’ body is an experience, not just a theological concept. In fact, the church so narrowly defines what unity is, it basically excludes the unity that God is talking about. Truthfully, the unity of one flesh in the Body of Christ goes far beyond what any of us imagine.

God says,

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The truth is, loving each other with our bodies is our true and proper worship of Him. We offer our bodies to God as a living sacrifice and He does what He wills with them.

Furthermore, loving one another is simply God loving us. This is something that each and every believer will have to come to grips with in the following days. God, through His Holy Spirit, connects you with another and their touch is His touch, there kisses are His kisses and their love is His love.

Present your body a living sacrifice

Legalism, or natural minded interpretation of scripture, is antithetical to Godly intimacy. Defining what is proper according to the traditions of men, clergy seeks to control all forms of intimacy within their congregations. In fact, these self appointed purity police are Satan’s first line of defense against God’s love. In stopping Divine Love from manifesting among Christ’s people, they do the work of the Devil.

If you are bought with the price and you are not your own, it is God’s right to do with you as He pleases. This includes giving your body as a living sacrifice for His kingdom. Therefore, if the Holy Spirit leads you to love another, is that not God’s choice? If it is God’s right, then who are we to gainsay or resist His Spirit?

The Holy Spirit does what He wants

This is not theory, but something I have experienced. It’s easy to applaud unity until it violates people sensibilities. When someone is kissing another saint in the prayer room, many say “what? God would not do that”. Then, those same people run to the clergy to put a stop to it.

However, do you know what? God does not recognize the authority of pastors and elders who countermand and stop the leading of His Spirit. Just because someone considers that they know the scriptures better that the Holy Spirit makes no difference to Him at all. If God can tell Hosea to marry a harlot, do you think that He will fail to do anything He wants?

One Body, A tsunami of love

The point of telling others about how the Body of Christ becomes one flesh is to give some the opportunity to accept rather than reject it. Events are moving fast and the Tabernacle Experience is about to hit like a Tsunami of love. Those who are led by His Spirit will accept it, but those who cling to their doctrine will reject it.

Seraphim love God and each other

In conclusion, Seraphim love each other while they love God. Seraphim are one flesh, meaning they do not have any self conciousness among them. They love one God for they yield to One Spirit. They have one mind, heart, and body. Their sum is greater than their parts and intimacy is the core of everything the do. I know that very few understand what I am saying right now, but it is my hope that when the Spirit comes, these words will comfort and lead you in to all truth.

Praise and Worship Flags Cover Dance (Thank You by Jesus Army) Called to Flag featuring Claire

(This is an earthly manifestation of a heavenly Seraph)