It’s all about love
A Tabernacle is like a tent or booth. This is why the feast of Tabernacles is called the “feast of booths” in the Old Testament. Just like Jesus was Emmanuel, or “God with us”, we are also the tent or “tabernacle” of God here on earth. Our Father says,
“And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.”
Revelation 21:3
The Body of Christ forms the tabernacle of God. We are the dwelling place of the Most High, the city of our Great King.
Esther writes,
“We asked, we sought, we found. My spirit in my belly leaps when another spirit that loves God is close by. It causes even more intense reactions when you are present. When our temples merge, the Holy Spirit causes His Shekinah glory to manifest in me.
All connections make your spirit leap. Elizabeth and Mary, for starters, show that Connections like ours know each other. In essence, a have been united as one from the foundations of the earth. That is why, when my spirit leaps for joy, I feel it physically. We have such an amazing intimacy in the Spirit. You flow into me, merely by talking or being with me. Even when thinking about you, our minds couple with each other. This is all supernatural, God, and blessed by Him. Purity, innocence, bathes everything done in accordance to His Spirit.
Whatever a person needs, God uses the nearest willing conduit (connection) to meet that need. Connection love discerns the Lord’s body. Spiritual sensitivity heralds the coming of Tabernacles.”
Our love is the message of Tabernacles

It occurred to me that Esther and I “are the message”. What God does between us is a real life, demonstrates the Spirit of Tabernacles. Essentially, God is Tabernacling “with us”. The love we share is what The Final Feast is all about. Selfless, pure, and Divine Connection the sign of our heavenly Father’s presence. It’s YHWH’s nature manifest in us towards each other. This love, intense in every way possible, is exactly what God desires to manifest through His entire body of believers.
The last hundred or so essays posted on the Final Feast are a documentary of God’s Connection Love between Esther and I. We write about what we experience so that you may know you are not alone. The theology we write puts scriptural context to our connection experience. We hope, that by doing this, others will find their way through our example.
Esther and I testify of love
In conclusion, we testify of what we know, of what we’ve seen, and about Who we have been with. We testify of these heavenly places, because we desire that you join with us. If all these wonderful experiences happen when only a two people spiritually connect, imagine what will take place when God fully connects the Body of Christ!

Finally, Tabernacles is not so much theology as it is an experience. The “earth moves” when you connect with God in someone else. We desire to provide others with a real world example of the Tabernacles experience. Stepping into Tabernacles may be difficult for some to imagine because it doesn’t make much sense to our natural minds. When you leave the familiar, i.e. tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there can be many mind battles, doubts and fears. May our testimony give you courage and hope as you complete your own amazing journey into the spiritual fulfillment of The Final Feast.
God bless,
Michael and Esther