what is trump

A Modern Day Judge, God Sends Trump To Deliver America’s People From Their Affliction.

In the Old Testament there were periods when the nation of Israel drifted away from following God.  During these times enemies oppressed God’s people and they would cry out for deliverance. At those times, God would raise up a “Judge” or a “deliver” who would fight Israel’s enemies and WIN.

There were twelve Judges who saved Israel and their names are:

Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah, Gideon,Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon, and Samson.

God’s restrains evil

Judges killed those who attacked God’s people, they stood their ground against invaders, risked impossible battles against superior odds, sometimes said rash things, and above all were men of  action and courage.

I believe that Donald Trump, in all his magnificent imperfection, is just such a judge, in the best Old Testament tradition, sent to deliver America from those who wish to enslave us.

The Wayseer Manifesto