Expressing Divine Love

Expressing Divine Love Through Dance, Causes Us To Give Ourselves To Our Heavenly Lover completely.

There is a time where words just do not suffice to express our love.  We need more, He needs more, and we want to give ourselves over in new and expressive ways.

Dance is one way that we can show our Lord how we feel about Him.  It is a giving over our of bodies to our spirits.  The reality is, that we are supposed to live from our bellies and not our heads.  When we allow God to move through our mid-drifts, we become truly Spirit led.

Seeing clearly by moving freely

As long as we hold back and allow our minds to control our actions, we can never be truly free.  God never meant us to live by what seemed right to us.  Revelation, given freely through God’s Spirit indwelling us, is the way God always meant it to be.

God dwells in our bellies in our reproductive organs.  People move the way the do because their spirits are allowed to control their bodies.  To many Christians, dancing as the world dances is sinful and never allowed in Churth.  Yet, this is what “everyone” wants to do.

Expressing Divine Love Through Dance

Dance, and again I say dance.  Allow God to express Himself through your Spirit.  Dance as you have never danced before.  Be David before the Ark of God.  Abandon your ways for God’s expression.  Amen.

Dace by Jesus Culture (Different Dances)