Fire and smoke

Tabernacles Is The Center Of God’s Plan For The Bride Of Christ

No one, who is honest with themselves, can say that their life compares favorably to the book of Acts.  We believe that such demonstrations of the Holy Spirit are possible, but our current lives simply do not measure up.

The main reason that we live a substandard Christian life is that we are not where God is right now. We are living, by and large, where God was hundreds of years ago.  Most people are reformation saints believing as they did in Martin Luther’s day. However God has moved on.

Some have journeyed on to the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. However God has moved on from that too.  

Now, God is hovering over the restoration of the spiritual experience of the Feast of Tabernacles. This is where God is now.

Follow God’s Shekinah Glory

When the Children of Israel were in the wilderness they found provision only as they followed the pillar of fire and smoke. Outside of where God was it was just a barren desert. Inside of where God was there was shade in the day and light at night.  God supernaturally sustained them with manna from heaven too. Water came from rocks and even their shoes never wore out. Everything that they really needed God gave to them only as they were where He decided to be.

Likewise, in our present day, God has chosen to be in a certain place too. That place is the revelation of Tabernacles. Unless you are there you will not see the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life to the degree that is possible.

God says,

“Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye.”

Acts 7:51

Many church leaders are the pharisees of this age.  Instead of searching for and welcoming God manifest in the flesh, they resist His Spirit, falling short of the glory of God.  The manifestations of the sons of God tries to come forth in God’s people, yet they see us as a threat to their power.

Imagine, some Christians even make a doctrine out of the notion that “miracles have ceased”! How ludicrous is that?  “believers” actually defend why they have no power with God instead of weeping in sack cloth and ashes because of it. Some make their Christianity into a mere intellectual exercise devoid of the actual presence of God.

Why aren’t you seeking the Tabernacle Experience?

I ask you, “What are seeking?”  What is your motivation for reading this essay today? Are you really hoping to find God or are you just grazing mindlessly for tender blades of Bible knowledge to tickle your taste buds?

We need to know about the restoration of the Feast of Tabernacles so that we can be filled with God’s love.  God’s divine love is the only power that will keep us in the coming days ahead.  Without the nature of God coursing through our spiritual veins, far beyond what we are experiencing today, many will follow after the beast. Though you count yourself steadfast today, without strong revelation you will be deceived by the false prophet’s lying wonders.

God manifest in our flesh

We, as the body of Christ, must manifest God in the flesh to this generation.  This is our calling and this is the service that we are summoned to.  This will not happen unless we yield to God’s Spirit and step out of our comfortable Christian lives into the deep things of His Spirit. Those who profess to know God but deny the power thereof are well on their way to accepting the lawless one. They fall to deception because they do not accept nor obey the true Law Giver.

I am here to tell you, by the Spirit of Almighty God, that we are in need of a radical change in our faith walk. We must change our attitude towards the spirit of compromise we call normative Christianity. Make the sacrifices necessary to follow the pillar of fire and smoke, going where God is rather than where you want Him to be.

It is deception that kills us

In the book of Revelation it is the “tail” of the dragon that casts down a third of the stars of heaven. The great “falling away” comes through deception and without walking in the Spirit we will not see it coming.

This is why I write and  warn.  I’m a watchman on the wall and I do see it coming.  I cannot stand by and say nothing.  I can’t speak comforting words to you when “Strong Delusion” is threatening to engulf, if it were possible, the very elect.

Wake up!  Wake up! Awake you who slumber at this midnight hour!  Your bridegroom is coming and you MUST make yourselves ready.  Sell all that you have and buy oil of the Holy Spirit.  We are in the midst of a supernatural darkness and we will not be able to see without God’s divine light.

Follow the pillar of fire and smoke

The truths, as revealed by the Holy Spirit in these writings are part of that light in the pillar of fire and smoke.  They can help you to see through the deception of the evil one if you won’t open you minds to what God is saying through them. I will not ever claim to be God as some cultic leaders do these days.  I will not claim to be some end time prophet to cause others to listen to what my Father says through me. You need to understand what God is doing right now that so you, personally, can know where He is.

In our generation the message of Tabernacles is where God is at.  Without knowing how to listen, hear, and obey on time you will not survive the current deception. Many, who still trust in their natural minds, will wonder after the Beast.

Say yes to God even when it does not make sense

Ask for wisdom from above.  Push yourself spiritually by yielding to His Holy Spirit even when it does not make sense. Say yes to God  and learn the precepts that are written herein.  Many perish simply because, when they are forced to choose between what looks like God and what actually is God, they don’t know the difference because they’ve never actually known God.  This is true word and not an exaggeration.  He who has ears to hear what the Spirit says to the generation, let him hear.

How can I apply this teaching to my life?  

The first step is humility.  Personally, I always assume that there is more to experience in God.  If there is further revelation I definitely want it. Likewise, a great deal of what we have been taught has little to do with scripture.  Pray and let God lead and guide you by His modern-day pillar of fire and smoke.  As you look through the titles on this website allow the Holy Spirit to help you decide what to read.

Give revelation a chance

In conclusion, most of us are conditioned to reject, very quickly, anything that seems different from the doctrine we know.  Often times we do not even consider new revelation before round filing it in the trash bin of our mind. However, we must train ourselves to know when the Holy Spirit is leading even if what He says does not make immediate sense. Allow God to untangle the snarl of conflicting theology that clogs our minds.

Lastly, following the pillar of fire and smoke is a walk, not a run, so try to relax.  If you come across a truth and it does not seem right; no big deal.  Simply go on to another one as God leads. God is well able to help you to understand what is important and protect you from what is not.  Simply trust Him and He will lead and guide you into all truth.

Desert Song (Cloud By Day) by Bethlehem