Heavenly Bodies And Other Wonderful Things

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
We have a lot to look forward to in the New Heavens and New Earth. Our Father, which is in heaven, wants us to be aware of our future blessings in order to give us hope now. In this present creation, which is passing away, many suffer from various physical issues such as illness, old age, and dissatisfaction with how they look. I wish to share with you some insights into what is in store for us. Today, I am going to talk about what will take place after the resurrection and we receive our glorified bodies. I believe that God is revealing more and more about such topics, because we are nearing the day when we will stand on the shores of a new creation.
To begin with, there is not much written about this topic and many people do not know anything about what their glorified bodies will be like.
Paul says,
“Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”
1 Corinthians 15:50-53
From these verses we learn that we shall all be changed. Changed in to what is the question. While we are corruptible in this present creation, meaning we die and decay, we will be incorruptible in the next. Paul is speaking of immortality in relation to our new bodies and also when He speaks of the Kingdom of God he speaks of the New Heavens and New Earth.
Heavenly bodies

It is my belief that when God makes all things new He intends to also make our bodies new. This is the reason that God changes our present bodies into glorified bodies during the resurrection. For if God made all things new and our bodies were not changed, we would be out-of-place in His new creation. Moreover, our bodies need to be changed to be made immortal for we cannot live in a perfect place forever without being perfect ourselves. Just as we have bodies to interact with this present creation, we also must have bodies, albeit perfect ones, to interact with the next creation. This fact is one of the strongest arguments for the New Heavens and New Earth being very similar to this present creation.
The re-creation to come
In the new creation of God, i.e. the New Heavens and New Earth, God re-creates everything that was corrupted by sin and makes all things new. Notice, I did not say “remake,” for this present creation is totally destroyed by fire and is completely done away with. Note: God does not create a new creation that is markedly different from our present creation but rather recreates a new one very similar to it. Why does He do this? It is because God had an original plan for mankind that was never fulfilled. Once God makes a plan, He always fulfills it, no matter how long it takes.
Therefore, even though Adam chose to sin, YHWH fathered a second Adam that chose not to sin. Even though the first creation is damaged, our Lord is going to make a new creation that is not. Even though
Here is a truth,
“God is about to Photoshop the entire universe and recreate you into His image and likeness”
I believe that our resurrected bodies will be the bodies that we would have had if Adam never fell and God’s creation remained perfect. Adam and Eve were perfect and immortal and beautiful to behold beyond anything we can imagine. Had they not sinned and continued to obey God’s commandment, all their
Therefore, if God is going to restore those who know salvation back into the perfection that was lost, He will also bring our physical bodies back into a similar perfection. For all of us who know God, that is a very good thing to look forward too. Imagine how you would feel if you looked and felt better than the most physically fit man or the most beautiful woman in the world. That is part of what awaits those who love God and are called according to His purposes in the world to come.
Also, there is a misconception that we will somehow be eunuchs in Gods new creation. However, God commanded Adam and Eve to go forth, be fruitful and multiply before sin entered into the world. Therefore, in the new creation God’s people still bring forth children to His glory. It doesn’t make sense that the central theme of this creation is radically different from the New Creation.
Love in heaven

There will be relationships between men and women in the New Heavens and New Earth. Men and women will still procreate, bringing forth children throughout eternity. Marriage no longer applies, because God leads and guides us to unite by His Spirit. The way in which believers conduct themselves in these spiritual unions are a reset to what God originally intended. These restored spiritual unions are foreshadowed in New Testament love feasts.
Our Lord intended mankind to not only populate this present Earth, but other worlds throughout the Universe. Today we know through scientific observation that other planets exist in solar systems far beyond our own. Perhaps there are galaxies beyond our Milky Way that hold such planetary systems too. Though it boggles the mind, it is God’s original plan for mankind to spread across the entire universe. Truly, the descendents of the father of our faith are numerous as the stars of heaven.
As the stars of heaven

We have witnessed, in only a few hundred years, the rise of technology capable of exploring our own solar system. God’s desire is for mankind to be fruitful to a degree we cannot yet imagine. This is the root of mankind’s fascination with the stars. YHWH still wishes for Adam to fulfill his destiny by spreading across the New Heavens He creates. If the Universe is infinite, wouldn’t it suit an infinite God to have an infinite number of souls worship Him?
Expand your horizons and consider just how big and grand God’s ultimate plan for mankind is. God prepares an eternity for them that love Him that is truly beyond our ability to fully comprehend. Just glimpsing what God is planning to do is wonderful and gives us hope for the future.
Everything is about to get a whole lot better
Some of us are suffering greatly and when we look at natural circumstances we become depressed. However, God wishes for you to unbend yourselves and look up for your redemption is certainly near. Jesus gives hope to those whose bodies are not well. Our Lord intends to glorify our bodies, recreating them more beautiful and whole than any on Earth today. Are you unable to have children? God glorifies your body and it will function perfectly, bringing forth abundantly on His holy mountain. Is there a debilitating illness that you cannot seem to overcome? God restores, only a short time from now, perfect health and you will feel better than you ever thought possible.
You have a lot to look forward to
Finally, whatever God has for us will be wonderful, fulfilling the deepest desires and longings of our hearts. Jesus doesn’t disappoint those who die in faith. No one that has lost loved ones in Jesus Christ will miss them forever. A child that has died is separated from their believing parents only for a short while. Truly, God is about to make all this.