true love feast

Would You Like To Experience A True Love Feast?

True Love feasts, rather than being something new, are as ancient as Eden itself. These gatherings are simply life as it would have been had Adam and Eve never sinned. These Holy Spirit centered gatherings are a natural outflow of the restoration of the first love of Eden.

Christ says,

“that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. “

John 14:17 (NASB)

Intimacy is central to a true Love Feast because intimacy is central to God. The Holy Spirit dwells in you, specifically in your reproductive organs. This is so due to the fact, when you conceive a child, God has to be there to create a spirit with you. Flesh can bring forth flesh, but it takes the union of God and man to bring forth an eternal soul.

Love feast intimacy is more than sex

Natural minded people (of which we are all guilty) equate intimacy with sex. Many Christians, consciously or unconsciously, equate sex with sin. Therefore, if you have a love feast where intimacy is present, many automatically assume its sinful.

Unfortunately, fallen lucifer sets up believers to fear all things intimate exactly to prevent them from experiencing a true Love Feast. Satan in no way wants the body of Christ to go back to the garden and experience the first love of Eden. If we return to our prefallen state, through yielding to God’s Divine Love as we once did, the Devil loses.

God created us to love Him through one another

A true love feast is exactly what it sounds like; a feast characterized by love. However, this love is not an earthly affection, but true love given from above. It is the nature of YHWH expressed through the Body of Christ to other believers. As such, it is pure, holy, and deeply intimate.

When I say intimate, I do not mean sexual intercourse. I mean a closeness born of heaven, a familiarity that God leads and guides. We touch our own bodies all the time and think nothing of it. In a like manner, with similar familiarity, the Body of Christ sits next to, holds, and caresses each other and thinks nothing of it either.

True love given from above

­To most, such love is a distant memory. The last time we experienced such unconscious liberty was around age 5. We faintly remember total acceptance from our mother or grandmother, but as we grew it became obviously such love was a thing of the past.

However, each of us longs to be held and loved like that again. The wonderful thing is, as people experience Love Feasts and the first love of Eden restored, that is exactly the type of love they receive. A true Love feast is everything contained in 1 Corinthians 13. It is selfless, pure affection such as this world has rarely seen since the time of Christ.

Embrace love feasts

If you are Spirit filled, you already have everything necessary to love like this living inside you. The love of God, His very nature, desires to reveal Himself to others. All that is required is that you give up control to Him, allowing Him to live His life through you.

Lastly, you do not need to fear doing this, because the end result is that you become like Christ. Christ never did anything wrong to anyone because He only did what His father showed Him to do. Thus, if you yield to that same Holy Spirit, you will live a perfect life characterized by Divine Love too.

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